Monday, September 28, 2009

From orchard to plate

We recently went and picked apples and have had a fridge overflowing with apple goodness for weeks now. Last night we decided to do something about it. We borrowed the most amazing apple corer from our friends Ian and Andrea and Rob made an apple crisp. He and Bennett made the whole thing while I played with Will, since I was banished from the kitchen.

The result was that Rob is no longer allowed to play the, "I can't cook" card and we have tons of sliced apples for breakfast this morning. I declare the evening a success. And I think we still have about 50 apples in our fridge. :-)

Getting them off of the trees

Using the most wonderful contraption ever

Helping Daddy in the kitchen

These look tempting......

.... a little too tempting.

Voila! Bon appetit.

1 comment:

Lori Mercer said...

Yum! Yum! Hope you're planning on bringing some of those apples back home to Alabama with you! :)