Oh, my buddy buddy. Could you please stop growing up? I want you to remain the adorable freckle faced little boy with the fabulous lisp forever. If you want to know what you were like as a kid, just watch Ron Howard playing Winthrop in the movie, "The Music Man." That's you. Except you are more. You are funny. You are incredibly kind. You are as smart as they come. You have a heart for others. And you can change the world. You really can. But not yet, because although you are older, you are still only 8. And you still let me sing "Bushel and a Peck" to you at night while we do the bomp bomps afterwards. And you want me to read every book you are reading so we can talk about it together. And you want me to watch roller coaster videos on YouTube so we can decide whether or not you would ride them in real life. And you wave to me every day at school through the window when I walk you to the front door. And you hug me (in front of your friends!!) every day when you walk outside after a long day at school. 8 is awesome! And so are you, Will. Happy Birthday.

This was the first year in a very long time that we were home on Will's birthday. He was thrilled to have breakfast at home in his pajamas. We then took him to Main Event so he could so the gravity ropes and play some games and then we went to Toys-R-Us so he could spend the birthday money his grandparents sent him.
That night we tried out something new. We went to a drive in movie! The kids had been to one in Dothan when they were very little but they didn't remember it. This was their first time in years and they were so excited. We went to see Despicable Me 3 at the Coyote Drive In. We got their early and the kids got their faces painted and got balloon animals. Will had a blast on the playground and since it was his birthday we said yes to the large Icee and popcorn. It was an awesome evening and one of our favorites from the whole summer.
What an awesome night!
Two weeks after Will's birthday were were able to have a party with his friends. let me say that I have thrown a lot of birthday parties for my three kids over the years and Will's 8th might go down as the best one of them all. We rented a huge inflatable water slide and a cotton candy machine for his birthday. That was it. No party games, so pinterest decorations, no pinatas..... a water slide and cotton candy. I was so worried beforehand that it wouldn't be enough to keep the kids occupied for three hours. Boy was I wrong! In fact, the party was schedules from 5:30-8:30 but they dropped the slide off at 2:45. My kids were on it by 2:46 and pretty soon half of the neighborhood was on it. Then they picked it up at 9:00pm and we had to drag kids off it. Over 6 hours and they could have gone longer. Best party ever!
Such a joy to celebrate this sweet kid.
Rob manning the cotton candy machine like a boss!
Everyone reluctantly came inside for dinner and cake!
Will's waterslide cake. He did the waterslide himself. ;)
Happy Birthday, Will!!!
Okay, Back out to the slide! Best birthday ever!
Happy 8th Birthday, Will! I love you more than you will ever know.