A few things about Will at 4 months
- He weighs 13.9 lbs and is in the 25-50% for weight
- He sleeps from about 8:30pm until 5:30am
- He takes three good naps a day
- If you make eye contact with him, he will burst into a huge grin
- He loves to laugh. Funny faces and noises make him laugh as does tickling
- He sleeps on his side and is extremely close to rolling over
- He can grab his toes now
- He loves to be held and would let you hold him all day
- He loves to practice sitting up and would prefer that to laying down
- He coos when he is happy. In fact, he is in my lap cooing as I type this
- He is growing up way too fast
Oh what a sweet picture of him! And in the post before...I KNEW Bennett was going to put groceries on him and say "Thank you, WIll" before you wrote it!!!!!! I could just see it!!!!!! That is too cute and funny!!!
Sweet baby Will. I can't wait to meet him..., hopefully over Thanksgiving???
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