I sat here for 5 minutes and tried to think of a header for this blog post. And folks, after said 5 minutes, I got nothin'. So then I tried to keep it as simple and basic as possible. "Catching Up" is what I came up with. I am nothing short of a genius.
Rob is away this weekend celebrating his birthday in New Orleans with his siblings. His present from me is 3 days away from the little ones. In his absence I have been watching the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice and re reading Anne of Green Gables for the 51st time. I am a walking cliche.
Oh, and I've been watching college football. Because that's what we do on weekends in the Fall. And yes, I will root for any SEC team when they're not playing Alabama. Except for Auburn. Because I can't.
On to the photos. We went to a great festival in Parkville, Missouri. I love exploring new areas and this one was fantastic. Such an adorable little town. I love them. I wish more than anything that I could live in an old neighborhood within walking distance of a quaint main street where I would know all of the shop owners. Maybe one day. I love this main street area....
...and this local ice cream parlor....
...And this mill.... Heavenly.
Of course, what do the Websters do right off the bat? Think folks. If you were a Webster, what would be the very first thing that you would find? One guess.
Will is starting to bcome as obsessed as his sister
Love local restaurants. If I could help it, I would never eat at a chain restaurant again. Except for Chick-fil-A. Of course.
Future date night, perhaps?
It has been ridiculously hot here so I am racking my brain thinking of craft projects. One morning we had fun making crowns for my little royals.
And then it cooled down enough for them to go outside and play "library." Bennett checks out books and then Will hits her with them. That's how we roll.
We took the kids to a real horse show. Bennett has a lot of books about horse competitions and so we thought it would fun to take her to a real one so she could see if it was something she might want to do in the future. She loved it as much as we hoped she would.
I will post more later. Pride and Prejudice is almost over and I have 3 chapters left in the 6th Anne book of the series so I need to go and have a good cry. Feel free to openly mock me. I deserve it.
Merry Christmas 2024!
3 weeks ago
Parkville is one of my favorite places. Have numerous antique finds from there!
I would love to live near a cute little town like that too! There is nothing like a little ice cream shop and a pizza place to warm the heart and soul. Your kids crack me up! They are starting to remind me a little of my two. They love each other to pieces, but have no problem whacking each other upside the head! They are too cute! Love you girl and you better let me know the next time you are in town!!!!
Parkville is where Blake and I wanted to buy if we had stayed in KC. Such an awesome little town.....tiny......at 5K people! But, it still has all of the fantastic shopping and such b/c the college supports it.
There is a darling store called Spaghetti Western. The owner used to own an antique store across the street.....can't recall the name......something about a cat. Maybe Nine Lives. Anyway, go to Spaghetti Western if you didn't before. I have many of her things in my house.
Another darling town? Weston, Missouri. Don't even get me started. Haunted soda fountain, fantastic candle shop, antiques galore, and history oozing out the seams. I loved it.
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