Hi there. How are you? My name is Lauren. Long time no see. Sorry about that, but we have had a rough two weeks around here. I haven't been on the computer much except to stare blankly at e-mails I needed to return and hope for that perfect game of spider solitaire. Sad, but true. So here is what the red headed Websters have been up to in my time away from blogging world. I'll start with Will since his news is the biggest.
Will- He started walking!!! I came downstairs one day and he just walked to me. No joke. He didn't walk very gradually like his big sister. He just decided that he wanted to walk that day. Fine by me. Here is a video of the cutest little thing on two legs.
Bennett- Let's focus on the positives, shall we? I think I will skip the new phrases that have crept into her vocabulary. The main one being, "Get out of here, little boy." She says that to every child she encounters whether it be at the store or on the playground. She is also unable to do anything we ask her. If I tell her that it's time for bed she will say, "Bennett CAN'T go night night anymore. I too sad to sleep." Whatever.
But she wrapped up a good summer by taking gymnastics and swim lessons. She absolutely adored her teachers and she misses them already. Here are some shots from her summer activities.
Rob- Rob spent a week this summer in Africa with a team from our church. He shared his story on his blog (he thinks he's too cool to contribute to this one) and you can read about it here. I am so proud of him and so thankful that he uses the gifts God blessed him with to serve the Lord.
Me- I've been pretty darn sick. I had a terrible infection that causes extreme dizziness. I have never asked Rob to take off from work before because I was so sick, but I had to. I was laid up in bed for several days and then just as I was feeling better, I threw my back out again. Terrible stuff. So, that's why we haven't had a lot of blog updating going on around here. I just couldn't.
Our house- This is not my house, but this is what it has felt like. Conveniently coinciding with my illness was major water damage to our house. Our house has been filled with dehumidifiers, plastic sheets, ripped out drywall, broken windows, etc... Lovely. And try keeping a 13 month old away from all of that. And then try doing that when you can't lift him because of back pain. It's been rough.
Meg- She's still guarding our house, chasing the workers fixing our water damage, allowing her tail to be pulled by Bennett, and demanding to be petted every 10 seconds.
Sebastians version... no, no, no (fill in the blank) I want (fill in the blank). or That's Sebastian's- to whatever Vince is playing with:) Hope you are feelingbetter and praying that the rest of the year be free of more unwanted events!
Okay, you actually just made me feel so much better about myself. I feel like I have been on way too many blog hiatuses (sp?)lately because I cannot find the time to do them...which makes me feel worse becasuse everyone else has children too and is just as busy. So then I get mad at myself. and you and Brittny in particular are like the best bloggers ever! so do not worry about a break. you have been through a lot lately! PHEW!
Glad to hear you are leaving chaos behind and getting back to routine. I would like to share with you a motto of mine...."Comfort is Overrated." From pain to motherhood to life in general it gets me through a lot!
oh my. bennett and addie sound so similar! in a same but different way, i do understand. i hope you're feeling better. and the house...can we just start over? get our stuff out and start over? i know. i know. i hope your weeks have been significantly better than these past few! i think my theme verse (for the year?) is this: Lamentations 3: 22-23 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
A family of red heads. Of course. And quite a fun one at that. Oh, and our last name is Webster. Hence the name, "The Red Webs." You may now proceed with your blog surfing.
A theatre loving, football watching, book reading Mom of 3 who loves the Lord, her husband and her golden lab. In that order. Oh, and she thinks her kids are pretty great too. Five seconds of reading this blog should tell you that.
A guitar strumming, video editing, picture taking creative dude. He loves Jesus, coffee, his kids and he thinks his wife is prety cool too. He dislikes exclamation points, comic sans font and the letter K.
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome back. : )
I love Bennett's vocab...sounds like Noah's. Hilarious.
Sebastians version... no, no, no (fill in the blank) I want (fill in the blank). or That's Sebastian's- to whatever Vince is playing with:) Hope you are feelingbetter and praying that the rest of the year be free of more unwanted events!
Okay, you actually just made me feel so much better about myself. I feel like I have been on way too many blog hiatuses (sp?)lately because I cannot find the time to do them...which makes me feel worse becasuse everyone else has children too and is just as busy. So then I get mad at myself. and you and Brittny in particular are like the best bloggers ever! so do not worry about a break. you have been through a lot lately! PHEW!
Glad to hear you are leaving chaos behind and getting back to routine. I would like to share with you a motto of mine...."Comfort is Overrated." From pain to motherhood to life in general it gets me through a lot!
Wow, sorry you've been through all that....hope it gets better every day from here on out. I'll pray for that.
And I'm glad you linked Rob's Africa blog post...that needs to be read by as many people as possible!
oh my. bennett and addie sound so similar! in a same but different way, i do understand. i hope you're feeling better. and the house...can we just start over? get our stuff out and start over? i know. i know. i hope your weeks have been significantly better than these past few! i think my theme verse (for the year?) is this:
Lamentations 3: 22-23
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
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