Monday, December 31, 2007

It's the small things......

Not being able to walk can really change your perspective on things. I have a constant dialogue with God every day and I usually am so thankful when a taping of my kids show goes well, or if a Sunday morning worship service goes well technically. Now, I give God all the praise when I make it to my bed without too much pain and my book is open to the right page. That goes a long way with me these days.

As of last Thursday, the clot in my leg was still causing 100% blockage. The good news was that it hadn't spread, but there was zero blood flow to my leg- 2 weeks after the original diagnosis. I am pretty frustrated. I didn't think I would be able to run a marathon by now, but I thought that surely I would be able to get myself a cup of coffee. We just keep praying that the blood thinners will start working and that I will be able to ease back into normal life as soon as possible.

We had a wonderful Christmas. My family changed their entire plans and brought Christmas to me. My amazing sister packed up food, plates, gifts, clothes, and everything else in a moment's notice and came to my house. They left a note for Santa saying, "Dear Santa. We are at our Aunt LaLa's and Uncle Rob's in Montgomery. Please find us there." And he did. Santa is the best!! It was loud, crazy, messy, and absolutely perfect. I couldn't do anything but lay on the couch, but it was one of the best Christmases I have ever had, and it made me realize even more how important family is. The above picture was taken with my entire family on my Mom's side. We got together to celebrate with our beautiful Grandmom/Nana who is seated in the middle.


Carebears said...

Oh My Goodness! What an eventful holiday you and your family has had. I am so sorry to hear that you have this blood clot thing going on an dyou are confined to your couch or bed. But, as long as you are resting and taking care of that little sweet baby girl can't get any better than that. My prayers are with you that God will heal you and give patients and strength to you and your family surrounding you. It was good to see the pic of your fam, especially the rents! If you need anything-someone to chat to at 2am call me-I am usually up-little Joshua doesn't allow me to sleep through the night anymore-he is really active and my belly.
Lots of Love you way from GA to AL,


Carmen Andres said...

merry christmas and happy new year, you guys! y'all remain in our prayers and thoughts. wish i was there to help :(

Amanda said...

I found your blog... ok.. I was bored (not so much bored as exhausted and unable to sleep since the baby has taken over our bed).

But, I wanted you to know we are praying for you from all the way across the... street.

If you need anything, let us know!